Friday, March 8, 2013

Song for Friday...because

Here's a song, just because.
Just because I love the melody.
Just because I love the first few lines.
Just because it's Canadian.
Just because it's a beautiful song.
Have a great weekend all!
(p.s...Happy International Woman's Day!)


  1. Love this song. The lyrics do take you back, don't they? Funny how a song can do that.
    Have a great weekend. C.

  2. Thanks for the song. Very nice. Hope you have a GREAT day too!

  3. Wow that was beautiful ...while listening I remembered when I was 15 and a Canadian boy came to visit friends for two weeks. Oh what a crush I had on him and his lovely Canadian accent ...Shane was his name and it has been MANY a year since I was 15 or thought of Shane ...nice ~ and lovely song!


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