Friday, March 15, 2013

Song for Friday...for the Irish in all of us

Seems like on March 17th nearly everyone lays claim to
have some sort of Irish blood flowing through their viens.
And if you proud!
It's a grand thing to know that some of your ancestors are of
this brave and ancient heritage.
Although this song may have Scottish origins, I heard it
featured in a movie the other night called "Agnes Browne".
A funny, tender movie set in Dublin in the '60's
 staring Angelica Houston (with her well put on Irish accent)
who plays a widow with 7 children.
She barely earns enough money with her market stall but still
manages to keep the family afloat all the
while dreaming of seeing Tom Jones in concert and dodging the local loan shark.
This song is played during a tender moment between
her best friend Mary and herself.
I love this rendition by Canadian singer Laura Smith.
Who would know better on how to sing this song
but a lady who married a lighthouse keeper and moved to Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia?
So enjoy being green this Sunday and enjoy this lovely song...
Have a great weekend all!


  1. I hope you enjoyed St Patrick's Day.

  2. I love this redition of this song. It's really lovely. So is the whole post.
    I linked your blogpost to mine today. The song was so beautiful.
    Have a good weekend, my friend.


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