Sunday, April 28, 2013


Hyacinthoides non-scripta.
 One of the prettiest spring flowers right now.
We've got them growing wild in places here and there and
 seeing their little purple faces opening up after the rain
cheers my soul...
Nothing says spring like the colour purple...little lavender bonnets, nodding in the sun...
We used to jump rope to this little song and I still sing it when I see these flowers...

Blue bells, cockleshells,
Easy, ivy, over.
I like coffee, I like tea,
I like the boys and the boys like me.



  1. Such pretty photos of bluebells! Yes, they would be beautiful to watch as they open up. Love the color too!

  2. These are really pretty. I especially like the mix of the pinkish/purple blooms with the traditional bloom. Our spring is so far behind, that there's no sign of them here yet.


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