Saturday, April 13, 2013

Fakin' it...

Wordless Wednesday featured her head.
I'm not a knitter so the sweater she'll be wearing is a bit of faux knitting.
Needle felted and made in pieces like a 'real' sweater and then needle felted onto the main body...
 ...borrowing designs from Nordic / Icelandic and Shetland knitting...
Soon to be adorned with tiny buttons, to keep the milkmaid warm on chilly mornings...
(to be continued!)


  1. Amazing - I would have knitted you a little sweater, but this is Soooo much better.

  2. Somehow I missed Wednesday's posting so I had to go back and look at the milkmaid's head. Very nice! And now a Nordic sweater? Fantastic! Great detail work!! Can't wait to see more!

  3. Ooh, I like your wooly creation.

  4. What a fabulous thing! Can't wait to see the wonderful little head peeping out of it! :) Will the milk maid have her own felty cow? Or goat? ~ I guess she could have a goat too.... ;)))


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