Sunday, May 12, 2013

With love...

Some spring flowers...
 ...for my mom!
 Happy Mothers Day!


  1. Oh,the pictures of the flowers are beautiful. So pretty. Is that a picture of you and your mom? So sweet. Thanks for the walk along that beautiful path...and Happy Mother's Day to you!

  2. Happy Mother's Day to you - is that a photo of you and Aja??? I see your cheek bones in it.

    Love C

  3. What an amazing and beautiful photo of you and your mom.
    The flower photos are really wonderful. Good job. Very sharp and I love the rain drops.
    Life is as temporary as the lovely flowers, so enjoy your mom on those walks. Cherish the time with her.
    And...Happy Mother's Day to both of you.

  4. A lush, sweet beautiful post!
    Happy Belated Mother's Day Kerry!


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