Monday, June 24, 2013

Norene's garden...

They say a persons garden reflects their personality and this is so
true of mosaic artist extraordinaire, friend, creative co-hort and all around
Lucy to my Ethel.
The other day I went for a visit and as usual there's always something new
going on down below the house.
But first there was something new by the entrance way...
 Norene loves to create 'rooms' in her gardens and this is the latest, complete with lamp,
chandelier, framed pictures and 'carpets'...
 There's always moss and chicken wire involved somewhere in the garden...
 ...a mirror propped on a hand made easel reflects the lushness of the season...
 A neighbour made this bench out of an old bed frame...
 ...mason jar tea lights for when the sun goes down...
 We built this arbour for her golden hops on a whim one day and it's blended in quite well...
 The peonies are gorgeous right now and HUGE.
 Each one of these is the size of a dinner plate when open!
 mosaic beauty in a birdbath...
 Last winter Norene and Bill took down a few big trees in this space and this year the light
has been a bonus and the foxglove jungle is loving it!
 Up top Norene discovered this bizarre and mutant foxglove flower..
 I've never seen anything like it. It's like 3 flowers grew as one and it's the size of a large tulip flower!
 Crazy hey?
And as always, Norene is always creating something with her cache of dishes.
This is one of the latest fun projects she made for the garden...
Always a treat to visit!


  1. Such a creative friend. I love the last photo of her in her garden.
    The whole post gives me such ideas. Love the idea of an outdoor room that flows into the garden.
    That "mutant" foxglove flower is kind of amazing. Can you press it when it's spent? That would be something to dry and put under glass on a small table or somewhere.

  2. I'm practically speechless over this beautiful garden space! So artistic, so clever, so pretty!

  3. I discovered your blog through a follower on Twitter (, Rose Arizmendi). She mentioned your blog in a Tweet. I've so enjoyed seeing your pictures. Beautiful! Soothing! What inspiring spaces you've created.

    I wondered what the yellow flowers are in the picture under the mosaic birdbath? If you could let me know, I'd be most appreciative. You can email me at


It's fascinating to see who and where you are!
Thanks for coming to visit...