Friday, October 4, 2013

Song for Friday...dream jam

I'm not a Springsteen fan.
Not like some who are fanatics.
Follow tours, buy every album, know every song....I do like the odd classic,
but I must admit the album he put out a number of years ago is one of my favorites.
It's called 'The Seeger Sessions' and as you guessed, it's a collection
of songs Pete Seeger did, covered by Bruce Springsteen and an amazing band.
This album was recorded over 3 days, all of the tracks are live
and uncut. All the arrangements were conducted as they played
with Bruce calling out who was next for solos.
A documentary was also made at the same time and if you
get a chance to watch it, get a nice bottle of red
on a rainy autumn night and sit back and enjoy.
It was recorded in Springsteen's farmhouse and just seems
like one of those dream music jams you would have loved
to have been witness to....
so enjoy your weekend all...hope the weather is fine.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, I LOVED this song for Friday. Even got the ukulele out and played along! Great tune! Glad to get a little info on Springsteen's album...I'm going to check it out.

    Have a great day!!


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