Saturday, December 21, 2013

Extra Song... for for the kiddies...

...Well, maybe not but even though this is not your
average Christmas Carol, it's one of my favorites...
I wish you all many days of bright light and many nights of soft peacefulness.
However you celebrate this season, may it be filled with
those you love and may we all remember those who
can't be with us...
Have a fun filled weekend before Christmas...finish up that shopping
and get up those lights!!


  1. Fantastic photo! I could see a large framed version of that on a wall. Wow. And the video was fun too!

  2. That song may be the most overplayed in the world but somehow when your working in a bar at age 26 on Christmas eve and all your friends are enjoying themselves somewhere else, it can be heartbreaking to listen to...with all the customers singing along joyfully and you on your own amongst the throng!!! It makes you appreciate it all the more!! Thank you Kerry and have a pint on me....

  3. A gorgeous photo, such a forest scene seems straight out of a fairytale.
    And that's my all time favorite Christmas song - really strikes a cord with the Irish.


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