Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Out and about...

Yesterday we went into the city to finish up some shopping
and I brought along the camera to capture lights and decor but
ended up focusing (mind the pun!) on all the
lovely old doors around Chinatown.
Maybe next trip in I will be transfixed on my original target,
but for now, I bring you, The Doors...
This is probably my fave...the look and the number!...
 ...reminds me of Harry Potter...
 ...number 1 store for all little Chinatown toys...
 ...door to all things basket...
 ...lucky colour red...
 Imports from far away in Nepal and Tibet...
 ...vintage blue Love... in plum...
Global Village...beautiful, ethical things... 
 Time to do some shopping...ciao for now!


  1. What a great idea! Love the vibrant colors. Beautiful.

  2. Kerry, these door's are beautiful. Is this Victoria? I didn't know there was a Chinatown there.
    I love them all. Each has it's own personality.

  3. How'd the shopping go?!
    Great doors. Gosh I love red. :)


It's fascinating to see who and where you are!
Thanks for coming to visit...