Sunday, December 8, 2013

The winter hours...

It's been an extremely cold week least for us on
the Coast. We don't usually get below freezing temps and
wow!, snow too!
The fires been on 24/7...

Thanks to Norene who has been perfecting the business of candle making,
She is now the wax maven,
many beeswax candles have been burning as the night grows dark...
 I've been doing a bit of seasonal decorating
around the house...picking big, fat, plump snow berries and
placing them in clear glass vases...
 I don't know if I've ever seen them so full...
 Could be a sign of a cold winter!
Setting out little winter dioramas under glass...
This is a picture of my mom when she was about 10 one long ago winter
at St Annes school in Victoria...
 ...pine cones, and faux snow in the bottom of an old mason jar cradle her picture...
I saw this idea on Poppytalk and since we just got a bunch
of very fragrant Bay leaves, I thought I'd make myself one.
Even after the leaves begin to dry and curl, it still looks quite pretty...
A big basket of pine cones sits by the fire...
And the precious little Anna's hummingbird outside our window...
 Yesterday he was just sitting there for a long spell...
 Perhaps letting the sun warm his back...
 Did you know at night when they go into torpor, they can
slow their hear trate down from 246 beats a minute to 6?!!
 Truly little miracles...
Now today I will put some outdoor greenery on the porch since its warmed up
a bit...get up some fairy lights up and hunker down into
the season of light.
Happy Sunday.


  1. Your house looks very cosy and I love your decorations, especially the idea of taking nature inside. Have had the sniffles yet again - blaming it on the central heating at work - so haven't started putting up decorations yet.
    Wish we had some snow or even frost - we're having exceptionally mild and mostly dull overcast weather and little chance of a white Christmas.

  2. Beautiful decorations!
    I love the bay leafs and pine coats … and the old photograph of your mom. It's getting my wheels turning for next year! Also loving the decorations in the hurricane. Like it's only little world of Christmas!


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