Saturday, January 25, 2014

...but I'm sure I left it there!...

Do you ever misplace things?
You know, your keys, your glasses, an old love letter?
Now think about this...
How do you misplace a 1500 ton ocean liner?
Enter, The Lyubov Orlova.
Apparently this Russian ship was being towed from Newfoundland to the Dominican
Republic and was cut adrift after trouble in a storm.
That was a year ago and now some believe she's headed towards the coast of Ireland.
Full of cannibalistic rats
Needless to say, Irish authorities are not happy about the situation.
According to experts, this is not uncommon for an abandoned ship.
If you' re interested in seeing more, have a look here and here
I have this weird vision of these gangs of rats divided into sects,
politics, infighting, territories being fought over, food wars...
Or perhaps they're having a ball...lounging on the decks, working out in the gym.
But in all kidding aside, this is a strange phenomenon that has been occurring for centuries.
Reports of ghost ships have filled books, minds , movies and now entire blogs
are dedicated to these mysterious, floating hulls.
Indeed there are even more that have sunk and littered the bottom of our oceans
including planes, trains and automobiles.

Some are hauntingly beautiful in their deep, watery graves...

...the stuff that great stories are made of.
But in reality, its a sad tragedy that those who should have been responsible for this
ship, namely the Canadian Transport Authority, have chosen
to leave their garbage floating about.
They say because its in International waters, its no longer their responsibility.
Its like throwing your garbage out the car window and saying its
no longer your responsibility but that of the highways department.
We all need to take charge of our actions..
This ocean, this planet is only on loan to us while we're here.
Take care of it.


  1. My goodness, what a story! Seems so irresponsible, seems like such a waste of a ship that could still be useful, seems unbelievable that the ship has not been retrieved! Good post...and very interesting pictures.

  2. Amen to your last words. This is an interesting post. I would imagine that the Russians are using the "It's not my boat, now." excuse too. What's to be done with a ship filled with rats? Even if it sinks.. rats can swim, can't they? Scary!


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