Friday, May 30, 2014

Song for Friday...Adeiu...

Some of you may have noticed that I don't post as often as I used to.
I suppose like a lot of things, my blog has run its course and other things in life take over.
Right now it's my garden which had been a bit forgotten in the last few years.
I'm slowly getting a handle on it and as they say, "I'm feeling' the love again!".
Initially I began this blog as a place to house my photos with a story and
to do a bit of self promotion in terms of my felted sculptures.
Although I still take many pictures,
(I must say I'm a bit hooked on Instagram!)
and go on adventures, I am
finding that the act of writing, editing photos and finding the few hours
that it takes to do so is just not there these days.
I will still post occasionally but forgive me if they are few and far between.
I'm sure my trip to Paris and future wanderings will conjure up
 many tales and pictures but for now I will say adieu.
I'll be keeping up with all of your shenanigans so I'm still on the radar!
To all of you who read these pages, who send such lovely comments and to
those who are always so encouraging I send out a massive virtual hug!
Even though I've never met some of you in person I feel as if we've become friends
and hope one day to possibly sit and have tea and walk in your world.
(ps you can find me on Insatgram under farmlass!)


  1. I'm so glad you're still going to post a blog on occasion! I really enjoy reading your posts, looking at your beautiful photography, and I'm always impressed and inspired by your felting projects; they are fantastic. You have introduced me to some wonderful musicians on your Songs for Friday. Thanks so much for that! Enjoy your time in the garden and finding new inspiration around new corners. I'll still be looking for the next post...

  2. oh no!
    but I understand
    how about posting once a month at least.....
    will miss the vibes you send out awesome as they are

  3. Nooooo... this can't be true. Post once in a while, just so I know what is going on in your life and someday, like you say, maybe we can meet. I will miss you but understand the effort of blogging. Please keep in touch. Connie

    p.s. How do you do Instagram? Do you just google the word?

  4. Nancy...ThankYou so much...I have always appreciated your comments especially on my Song for are a true musical soul sister! No fear! I will still post the odd song I love or any new bands I be continued!

  5. Suz...I like that idea of once a month and I think I'll be able to manage that! Thanks for always having a look and sending out all your lovely comments...I enjoy reading of your life and your poetry.

  6. I love your posts, but I totally get it.
    I'm glad we are on instagram together and that you will posting here on occasion.

    There are a handful of bloggers who I got to know when I started and I feel such a kinship with. You are one of them and feel like we will always be in touch. I will keep checking back on here, once and a while, waiting for one of your beautiful nature walks! It feels like the end of an era. sigh.

    1. I feel the same about a few fellow bloggers as well, you included in that kinship.
      As you may be able to tell, I'm so loving Instagram! It's a great way to stay connected to people like you. I'm hoping that some day we'll meet face to face and tip a glass or two of wine with each other! Cheers my dear!

  7. Kerry, we have never met but I am sure we would get on like a house on fire. I have enjoyed my virtual visits to your island and hope that you don't shut up shop completely. Meanwhile I wish you a safe and pleasant journey. Bon Voyage. x

  8. I'm also sad that you won't be posting as often. I do understand though, it is a lot of work to keep up a blog (speaking from experience!).

    I've always enjoyed my "glimpses of home" that I got from your photos and stories. Maybe, once I get Instagram figured out, I'll follow you there!

    Keep well, Kerry. Enjoy the garden - and Paris!

  9. Thanks for sharing so many glimpses of your beautiful home and country with us - I've really enjoyed them.
    I've also been questioning how much time I spend on social media rather than the 'real world' - still have to find the answer though!
    Enjoy your trip to Paris and I'l be following you on Instagram.

  10. Hey Kerry, I can't really blame you for getting a bit browned off with the whole blog thing after a while. I'm the worst in the world for keeping up appearances but every now and then there might be a little something that bugs me or thrills me in some way and...I'm off again.
    You'll come back from France a new person with fresh ideas...I can't life would certainly not be as rich a place if not for you...


It's fascinating to see who and where you are!
Thanks for coming to visit...