Friday, May 30, 2014

Song for Friday...Adeiu...

Some of you may have noticed that I don't post as often as I used to.
I suppose like a lot of things, my blog has run its course and other things in life take over.
Right now it's my garden which had been a bit forgotten in the last few years.
I'm slowly getting a handle on it and as they say, "I'm feeling' the love again!".
Initially I began this blog as a place to house my photos with a story and
to do a bit of self promotion in terms of my felted sculptures.
Although I still take many pictures,
(I must say I'm a bit hooked on Instagram!)
and go on adventures, I am
finding that the act of writing, editing photos and finding the few hours
that it takes to do so is just not there these days.
I will still post occasionally but forgive me if they are few and far between.
I'm sure my trip to Paris and future wanderings will conjure up
 many tales and pictures but for now I will say adieu.
I'll be keeping up with all of your shenanigans so I'm still on the radar!
To all of you who read these pages, who send such lovely comments and to
those who are always so encouraging I send out a massive virtual hug!
Even though I've never met some of you in person I feel as if we've become friends
and hope one day to possibly sit and have tea and walk in your world.
(ps you can find me on Insatgram under farmlass!)