Saturday, April 25, 2015

Also considering...

Besides the pink fawn lilies at Annie's house,
(you can read about that here)
I also went out to have a look at an incredible display which happens
every year at Old St Mary's church in Metchosin under the sheltering Garry Oaks...
The grounds are a flood of tiny white bells...
 What a restful place to lay...
 Carefully mown paths are cut just wide enough to stroll amongst the multitude of beauty
Joining the lilies are throngs of bluebells, pink bells, camus and native bleeding heart...
During this time there is a fibre arts show inside the little church
called 'Consider the Lilies' and I always wondered why they called it this.
So I went to Goo U (google university / aka the internet ) and found 
this verse from the bible...
 "Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these."
The next day on my walk down the road, I also considered the hawthorn and the crab apple...
 What a plethora of blossoms there are that whirl about in the spring breeze
 these promising first weeks of spring!
Oh, and don't forget...always fun to find a good rusty bit of an old truck in the bush!!


  1. "Consider the lilies..." One of my favorite passages in the Bible... and look at this post. It's so beautiful. What loveliness! I felt like I was walking with you. Just beautiful.

  2. What a beautiful carpet of color. Thanks for taking me there in pictures!!

  3. Beautiful, such a bountiful time of year. x

  4. Just gorgeous! It takes my breath away.


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