Sunday, August 30, 2015

Upcoming workshops....'cause a hard rains a gonna fall...

Not that I'm predicting us all to be inside for the next 8 months 
but you all know what's coming....autumn, rain, winter, rain,
maybe a bit of snow to put us all in a Canadian state of mind, more rain....
(did I mention there's going to be rain?)
Therefore you may be looking to try your hand at some felting classes
at the local wool shop...something to keep your fingers busy on those
cold dark nights.
Seaside Yarn and Button here in Sooke will be offering quite a few of these 
fun, short intro classes to this highly addictive art form and 
yours truly will be hosting several.
So what's on hand?
An owl perhaps...
...a sleeping fox?
 ...maybe an orca?
...little fuzzy acorns for the tree?
 ...for a little more challenge, you could make a wee gnome (or gnomett if you're so inclined)
Here's the link for you with all the info...hope to see you there!

1 comment:

  1. The workshops should be a "hoot"!! Felting is the perfect activity for being inside, out of the weather. I love your work, and I hope you'll share more photos of the "little ones" felted in class.


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