Sunday, November 8, 2015


It's official that our mornings are much lighter and the evenings longer.
The lamps come on long before dinner time now, time to curl up by the fire.
I love the first light of morning.
A new day.
A new beginning...
Another kick at the can!
There have been days where I just don't want to begin again.
Days during times of strife and tragedy...
But for the most part I am enticed by the prospect of another day in this beautiful world...
With an open heart I start new...
open to the possibilities before me...
blessed to be one who creates...
and so fortunate to be where I am now in this place...
Here's to another day!


  1. Beautiful. I can feel your words :)

  2. You are so kind and positive. I'm trying to stay in that space ... The last few months have been a challenge (health scares/surgery/broken heart) but I know there are people who have things so far and away worse -and I still have so many blessings. I like "blessed be one who creates ..." and staying open to the possibilities of what comes next.

  3. I have just come to your blog from Foxglove Lane and have added you to my list of blogs I follow - love your photos and your take on life too.


It's fascinating to see who and where you are!
Thanks for coming to visit...