Monday, June 14, 2010

Favorite place in the whole wide world...

Here we go...down to the river....Griffin's favorite place to go.
As soon as we make the turn onto the road for this walk, he knows...this is it!
He always runs ahead...and then back again as if to say...
"COME ON!!!   LETS GO!!!"
 Down we go...past the ferns...
The sun making dappled art of leaves on the path....
An old fence post from the farm that was here many years ago...
Out into the sun...
And to make things even more perfect....
Here comes Rosie....YEY!
...and down to the river where its all about swimming, balls and sticks!
Luckily the dogs were having too much fun to notice this hooded merganser and her sweet brood of brand new babies..
 After a few good swims we went up the path where the BIG trees are...
This cedar is probably about 600 years old and has sat on the bend of the river since Columbus sailed to find the New World...
Regina standing with an old growth fir. You don't see too many big trees like this so near to the village.
It's such a treat to have this place close to home....
Then it was out into the old farm fields...
In fantasy land, this is where my little stone cottage would be...with this old maple for a tire swing...
Daisies, daisies as far as you can see...
And the beast.

Up on top of the trail, we found this beautiful meadow of foxglove...
It was good to see the sun and feel some warmth on our faces...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this was wonderful!! I feel like I went on vacation.
    The photos are wonderful. The area is amazingly beautiful and your dogs..., well, they make me miss my old black lab and short haired pointer..., and of course, Maggie.
    You live in a very special place and you enjoy it. That's the way it should be.


It's fascinating to see who and where you are!
Thanks for coming to visit...