Monday, June 14, 2010

Quiet area...sshhh.....

Up beside the barn, there's a little pathway up into the woods...
Just to the right, before the gate I noticed this pretty stem of white foxglove...
Then...all of a sudden, a flush of bird wing flew out from behind...
So I looked up and there it was....
Well hidden in the ocean spray bush. 
A nest.
Of course I had to take a peak...
Just a wee bit closer....
Yes! As I suspected four beautiful eggs.
I moved away and sat quietly and sure enough, she came back...
Upon further investigation in my birds eggs and nests books, I found out that it is a Swainsons thrush, who I've been hearing a lot of all spring.
Now I know why! 
Will have to keep quiet around here for another week or so not to scare her away.
This is not my video, but gives an idea of the song...a upwards flute like melody..

1 comment:

  1. Look at this nest and those blue speckled eggs. Mother Nature at her finest. We can't match any of this.

    Wonderful photos. I love momma thrush peeking at us from her nest. I'm so glad that we both get to watch all this unfold. It's such a gift.


It's fascinating to see who and where you are!
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