Friday, January 7, 2011


I could spend hours watching these little guys...
They're always so busy and fast and sweet with their little conversations to each other...
Within 10 minutes of putting out this seed bell, there they were...
Even picking up the few seeds that dropped on the deck.
Cutest birds around!
And then they're gone!!


  1. These are beautiful photos of these little birds....just beautiful.
    You have the gift for close up photography. I love the last one. It's so birdlike and ethereal.
    Have I said how much I love your header photo. It's so lovely. Those two birds are striking against the snow covered branches, perfectly balanced within the contrast of color.
    Here's to the natural world.... and cameras that catch the beauty.

  2. I miss so much when I don't stop here regularly...your ability to capture the natural world in word and image.


It's fascinating to see who and where you are!
Thanks for coming to visit...