Sunday, January 9, 2011

New job...

In September, the cafe/deli where I cooked, closed down.
The owners wanted to move on to something else and no one wanted to take it over.
So my almost perfect, (no job is perfect!) part-time job, disappeared.
At my age, it's not easy to find work in a small town.
 I was volunteering at the yoga studio one day a week and thinking..."What now?".
Then one day, about a month and a half ago, I got a call from Karen...
She owns a sweet little flower shop called 'A Sea of Bloom' in the village.
I was recommended by the owner of the yoga studio as someone who might fit the bill for a part timer!
...and here it is...
The cutest little shop in town!
Most of the original buildings in Sooke here are gone and this is one of the few that remain.
As you walk in the door, the smell of fresh flowers drifts over you...
...and what pretty flowers they are!
Who could resist these amazing orchids!...
Not only are the flowers gorgeous, but the arrangements and bouquets by Karen and Claire are absolutely exquisite!! I am definitely learning A LOT from these ladies about stepping outside of the box and making something a little bit different from the norm...
In fact Karen's work is so lovely and creative that she was honored in December with an award for best bridal bouquet in the province of B.C!
A great honor considering the size and number of florists here.
 Not only is 'A Sea of Bloom' a great place to buy flowers but you should see what else they have...
Looking for that special piece of jewellery to go with those flowers?
Look no further...
Or how about these fantastic seaweed prints from a local husband and wife team...
...maybe you like birds? Lots to choose from here...
Or feathers from birds to add to your bouquet...
Here's one of my favorite things in the shop...
These are miniature orchids, carved from clay...they are so realistic and totally carefree!
Anyway there's a lot of different ideas in this sweetest of shops...
...don't forget your sweetheart next month!
You can find out more on the website...


  1. What a wonderful place to work. Just charming!
    I would buy those Turquoise earrings. They are beautiful. That's my birthstone and those are really qorgeous.
    I'll bet it smells so good when you walk in there. I'm so glad you found such a lovely place to work.
    Great photos....

  2. Congratulation and flowers are a wonderful match.

  3. That's awesome! The perfect thing came to you and what a wonderful place to spend time. Great photos too Kerry. Love those gerbers and um ... I am in love with that turquoise pendant! (gerberas or gerbers? I seriously cannot spell!)


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