Thursday, January 9, 2014


I've lived in a lot of houses and apartments in my life and was always one
for rearranging rooms. I just like to change it up
now and then...have a different view.
The house we have lived in for the past 14 years has a small living space
and there is only so much you can do with the floor plan.
Still, I try my best to do something different once in a blue moon.
So the Christmas decorations have all been put away and
I in my infinite challenge to shake things up decided to change my dining room space.
I moved my table to look out the windows...
 I can look out onto the grey days and the birds...

...a good place for a cup of tea...
 My mother fern will be much happier here with more light on her fronds...
 A wee reading nook for me as well in the big rocker...
I was looking at images of different reading nooks and came away with a few favorites...
how's this for a stack of reading material?...
makes my little pile pale in comparison!...
 ...a few more nooks from the net...
O.K, so maybe the Trinity College Library in Dublin is a bit much but a girl can dream can't she?
(by the way, this is one of my favorite places I've ever been!)
Do you have a favorite spot for reading or daydreaming?
Speaking of renewing/ new...or new to me at least...I found this gorgeous Norwegian sweater
in the thrift shop the other day and I can't tell you how thrilled I am...
 I've been looking for one for ages and they were either too expensive or didn't fit...
 This one was like Cinderellas perfect and I love the colours and wintery!
 Don't you just love the buttons?!
Anyway that's about all that's new/renewed around here...Does Reuben look like he cares?


  1. ha ha kitty....
    Love what you have done
    and your warm colors...gorgeous
    clean windows too
    I have the same urge...
    must be a long winter thing...
    stay warm and read

  2. Your table for tea, looking out the window...oh how perfect. And you reading nook looks very cozy. I'd say you scored in a big way finding that sweater. Holy smokes! It's beautiful.

  3. I think your new table location will be lovely ~ in fact you may not want to get up at all! :)))
    GREAT thrifty sweater find~ feels so good when you stumble over the perfect thing, and it even fits!
    Awesome buttons indeed! :)))

  4. Hi Kerry. Happy New Year! Thanks for the comment on my blog...I'm going to try to do better. I see that you and Irma are still walking together. When are you coming to Newfoundland??? Miss you. Brenda


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