Friday, January 10, 2014

Song for Friday...from the archives

Last night we watched a documentary about Folkways Records.
Founded by Moses Asch and now run as a non profit company
by the Smithsonian Institute, the collection is staggering.
Among the archives are early recordings of genres of music from all
over the world and in particular, early American music from the south.
I had never heard of Ola Belle Reed until last night.
She was a pioneer of a string (mind the pun!) of women
banjo/singer songwriters and her songs spoke of 
life in the Appalachian mountains, where she was born in 1916.
As the Smithsonian website states...
"She wrote honest music from the heart."
So here for you, a taste of this trailblazer of bluegrass.
Have a great weekend all!

1 comment:

  1. She's quite a gal. I really enjoyed this song from the archives; and one can't help but appreciate these tough women that "endured" the times.


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