Friday, January 10, 2014

Song for Friday...from the archives

Last night we watched a documentary about Folkways Records.
Founded by Moses Asch and now run as a non profit company
by the Smithsonian Institute, the collection is staggering.
Among the archives are early recordings of genres of music from all
over the world and in particular, early American music from the south.
I had never heard of Ola Belle Reed until last night.
She was a pioneer of a string (mind the pun!) of women
banjo/singer songwriters and her songs spoke of 
life in the Appalachian mountains, where she was born in 1916.
As the Smithsonian website states...
"She wrote honest music from the heart."
So here for you, a taste of this trailblazer of bluegrass.
Have a great weekend all!

Thursday, January 9, 2014


I've lived in a lot of houses and apartments in my life and was always one
for rearranging rooms. I just like to change it up
now and then...have a different view.
The house we have lived in for the past 14 years has a small living space
and there is only so much you can do with the floor plan.
Still, I try my best to do something different once in a blue moon.
So the Christmas decorations have all been put away and
I in my infinite challenge to shake things up decided to change my dining room space.
I moved my table to look out the windows...
 I can look out onto the grey days and the birds...

...a good place for a cup of tea...
 My mother fern will be much happier here with more light on her fronds...
 A wee reading nook for me as well in the big rocker...
I was looking at images of different reading nooks and came away with a few favorites...
how's this for a stack of reading material?...
makes my little pile pale in comparison!...
 ...a few more nooks from the net...
O.K, so maybe the Trinity College Library in Dublin is a bit much but a girl can dream can't she?
(by the way, this is one of my favorite places I've ever been!)
Do you have a favorite spot for reading or daydreaming?
Speaking of renewing/ new...or new to me at least...I found this gorgeous Norwegian sweater
in the thrift shop the other day and I can't tell you how thrilled I am...
 I've been looking for one for ages and they were either too expensive or didn't fit...
 This one was like Cinderellas perfect and I love the colours and wintery!
 Don't you just love the buttons?!
Anyway that's about all that's new/renewed around here...Does Reuben look like he cares?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Open for anything...

New Years day I went for an early morning walk in the mist and
thought about the year behind and the one ahead...
...the unknown and surprises that lay just beyond the world we know.
 I've never liked the idea of 'resoloutions', instead believe in trying
to better my world on a daily, monthly, weekly and sometimes even hourly basis. 
 Maybe the new catch phrase these days is 'intentions'.
Sounds more positive and promising.
 As always, I intend to see the beauty in the small things...
Try to see things from below as well as above...
 ...from different angles...
Look a little below the surface...

 Listen to that inner voice...
 Take chances...
Always try to fly when possible...
 Inspect the seemingly dull and mundane closer...
 With an open heart, take what is given as a gift...
 Look into the faces of love with gratitude...
 And when you least expect it, as I did this misty morning,
be thrilled at the surprises and embrace the unexpected!
I found this little shed of piggies living up the road from me...
 Cautiously but full of curiosity they ventured out one by one to visit me and Griff...
 A little morning stretch and a yawn...
 I was giggling with delight to find such sweet faces right up to mine!
 So there you go...look at the big picture...
 And upon closer inspection, come away with the joy of  what the world has to offer...
a rainy day can give us little jewels as well!

I thank each and every one of you who comes here to visit and all of your
kind words you leave behind.
The year ahead is an empty field....what will you plant...what will you harvest from it?
Whatever it may be I hope for peace, love and light and send it out to you and yours.
During hardships I wish you strength and growth.
Happy New Year!