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...a glimpse into life on Vancouver Island, needle felting, photography, food, gardening, etcetera...etcetera
"Happiness always looks small when you hold it in your hands, but let it go, and at once you learn how big and precious it is."
Maxim Gorky

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


It is no longer pitch black when I wake in the morning...
Slowly the light creeps in...
The promise of a day without rain...
 There is a definite hint of the seasons changing...
The last few mornings I've even heard the spring coming...
They're back!
The Red Winged blackbirds.
Staking out their territories by the little swamp...
Singing their hearts out...
Knowing that the work has begun.


gz said...

it is such a relief.
Lovely photos.
I'm too far down in the valley to see that, but here are someone else's dawn pictures-

the wild magnolia said...

You in the cold north especially welcome the return of light and spring, and I am happy for you!


Cobalt Violet said...

Beautiful! You have been one busy blogger!
Love the birds!

helen said...

Great shots - we had a bit of a red sunrise today - but not this beautiful and the bird shots - great!