Here on our little patch of the earth our water comes from a well. This means that during the dry months, usually end of June through to October, we have to be careful with our water consumption...sometimes it can be a bit trying but it also makes you much more aware of the precious value of water. It can really make you think when, on a hot, dry August day and you go into town (where water is easily obtained) and there's some guy power washing his asphalt driveway! I want to scream or run out with a bucket to gather up all that's being washed away and use it for my carrot patch...I think of places of drought where people walk for miles to get a load of water for the day, EVERY DAY and I am once again in awe of the struggles others face while we are"water rich" , even in my neck of the woods. BUT....come winter with the deluge of rain it is once again BATH SEASON! I always have something to read in there and Tom bought me a lovely book caddy for the tub one birthday...speaking of books...I just finished this one...
Such a great story set on the east coast of Canada in the early 1900's
And I just started this one of a womans search for the truth behind the mutiny on the "Bounty". So the bath is full and I am happy and have written my ...
'Ode to a tub'
A long day
A hard day
A cold, wet day.
A dark day
Of chopping wood
Or cleaning out the barn.
The candles are lit
The taps are open
The bubbles rise and foam
A good book
A glass of wine
Soft music down the hall.
It is only a large container
But a vessel if you will;
Which holds my aching body
And soothes a busy mind.
It brings me peace and solitude
And sails away the time.
Oh my tub, my lovely tub
You keep me sane and warm
I'll take the wrinkled fingertips
And praise your white walled love
While the moon peaks through the window pane
In the winter sky above.