The second born niece came to stay with me for a week.
How they grow up so fast when you don't see them often.
But come to blend right in as if they were here yesterday.
Quite a few things have changed since I was a girl.
The techno gadgets and what you see on videos...
things they learn about the world much quicker than I.
Fashions come and go...some a little similar to what we wore are back.
But the saving grace in this mad, mad world is this:
Some things about teenage girls never change.
The crushes on pop stars.
Doors left open and slamming closed while racing in and out from the barn.
Sleepovers with cousins and new found friends.
Shoes and sandals left as if the wearer dissipated on the spot...
Swimming at the lake, no matter what the weather...
Hand painted finger puppets complete with stories of love and romance...
And one thing that's always a sure thing...
Love affairs with horses!
These memories will be treasured by Rachel and her sisters for the rest of their lives.
Tales about summers spent in the country to tell their children one day.
I take comfort in knowing that no matter how crazy this world can get,
there are still some simple, beautiful things in life to keep warmth and magic in the heart.