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...a glimpse into life on Vancouver Island, needle felting, photography, food, gardening, etcetera...etcetera
"Happiness always looks small when you hold it in your hands, but let it go, and at once you learn how big and precious it is."
Maxim Gorky

Friday, April 30, 2010

Song for Friday....spring's on the way...

 Reasons why I love this time of year....


 new starts...
 fresh skies and apple blossoms...
 the busy-ness of birds and their songs...
 lush green everywhere...

So take heed in the words of Al Jolson...
a classic performed by the great Mel Torme...
The Velvet Fog...

1 comment:

farmlady said...

"Everyday I see or I hear something
that more or less kills me
with delight.." m. oliver
Your blog post did that for me today.
(is that blue egg real?)